Mriegank Shekhar |
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"Is Delhi safe for women in night?"
I think this question is worthless to ask or raise. Like many things, this question should be upgraded to next level.
"Is Delhi safe for women even in crowded place or, say, in a bus?"
What'd you say after reading the following report:
A 22-year-old woman was knifed in the face by four molesters after she protested against their behaviour in a crowded Blueline in
Seelampur, north-east Delhi, on Saturday night. The four then made off with her valuables.
Police said the victim was returning home from work around 8pm on Saturday when one of the four accused sat next to her and the other three stood around her. They passed obscene remarks and molested her. As she objected, one of them attacked her with a knife, slashing her repeatedly on the left cheek. The four took her handbag and cellphone, forced the driver to stop the bus, and got off.
Like aftermath of any incident, says the report, police came into action. What did the police do? Read the following:
A case has been registered against unknown assailants at Seelampur police station. None of the assailants has been tracked or arrested. Police said they were preparing sketches of the accused with the help of the accounts given by the victim, the conductor and the driver of the bus.
I'd like to mention one event here. Last month, I had gone to New Delhi railway station (generally I skip this) to see off my father and sister. As I was about to move back, a boy, looking in his teen age, speedily came closer and tried to snatch my writing folder in my shirt's pocket. I had ATM card, Shubh Yatra card and some cash in it. God knows how he sniffed all these in my folder, as these items generally kept in wallet or waist pouch.
As the youngster touch my folder, his collar was in my hand. I made my hold strong. The four-five person group accompanying him instantly scattered and surrounded at a distance. I cried very loud for help and police, but no policemen was visible there. I asked him to sit down, and leave the venue silently as wife was also with me.
After a while, a RPF sub-inspector looked arriving towards us. Seeing the policeman the pick pocket left us running as fast as he can, and tried to hide on tracks below a standing train. Any how by public support, the RPF person caught him and ask me to go back, assuring proper action against him.
When I left the spot, I learnt that about a dozen suspicious persons were following us. Some close, while some at a distance. As we were leading towards the foot over bridge, some went upstairs. Viewing danger, we skip the bridge and moved towards next. One or two tried to come close and snatch the purse from my wife, but didn't dare to do, as their accomplice was caught and handed over to police by me.
Whenever I recall that episode, a shivering passes through my body. What'd have happened if the miscreants had attacked us. There was none to save or resque.
Later on, when I shared the fateful event with friends, they suggested to avoid such elements as they keep sharp edged weapons alongwith them.
In media reports, Delhi often mentioned as Crime Capital, whenever the miscreants look too much active. I couldn't understand how these criminal elements get access in the capital. There will be a rare entry point for Delhi. On every check post, one can find policemen checking papers of bike riders. What do they check? Paper only? Or something else? Either the policemen or the bike owners know better.
If the entry points are so secured, do these criminals get developed under the shadow of police?
If the situation is so worse in the capital, why other states like UP or Bihar blamed.